- Adjustable from ambient to 300°C
- Desorption of SPME fibers
- Extremely dirty samples
- Includes on-column mode

The SRI Heated Flash Vaporization injector is useful for applications that require flash vaporization of the sample before the column, such as desorption of SPME fibers or injection of extremely dirty samples where the non-volatile residue must be trapped in the injection liner.
The injector’s heater block can be thermostatted up to 300°C and includes as standard equipment two injector liners: an inert Silcosleeve liner, and an unbreakable stainless steel liner, which allows for on-column mode.
The Heated Flash Vaporization injector option is an upgrade to an existing On-column injector. Two heated injectors may be installed on the Model 8610C GC, but only one on the smaller Model 310. Where no need for a heated injector exists, we recommend using the standard On-column injector.
8690-0025 Heated flash vaporization injector upgrade
8670-0072 Narrow bore SPME injector sleeve