- Multiple detector capability
- May be equipped with optional gas sampling valve
- For industrial gas sampling applications
- Fits shelf-equipped 19-inch rack (rack cabinet not included)

The Model 410 is a rack-mountable GC that offers the performance of a laboratory gas chromatograph. Excellent for industrial applications, where rack mounting is required, the Model 410 mounts in a shelf-equipped 19-inch rack. It can be configured with multiple detectors, a single on-column, heated flash vaporization, split/splitless or PTV injector, and a gas sampling valve. The column oven will accommodate 4-inch capillary or packed columns. All gases are controlled by electronic pressure controllers (EPC), and the carrier gas pressure is programmable. With the built-in PeakSimple data system, all that is needed to connect the GC to your computer is a serial or USB cable, depending on the data system option selected. It features the familiar, easy-to-read SRI Instruments display panel and mounts on your existing rack cabinet’s sliding shelf for accessibility.
Standard equipment:
Model 410 chassis; ambient to 400°C column oven; On-column injector carrier EPC; single channel PeakSimple data system; “at-a-glance” display of temperatures, pressures, voltages, and detector parameters; operator’s manual; accessory kit; heavy-duty reusable shipping container. To completely configure a Model 410 GC, most users will need to specify one or more detectors, columns, and an injector upgrade (see the injector types listed above), if required. An on-column injector is provided as standard equipment. Some users may desire to include a gas line installation kit for each gas required (helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.) with their instrument order. This chassis does not include a shelf-equipped rack.
0410–6000-2 Model 410 chassis with 6 channel USB PeakSimple data system